Fun Writing Activities To Do

Fun Writing Activities To Do

For some reason that no one can comprehend, you, a writer, instead of writing, are busy not doing the one activity that you cherish above all others. For some reason, instead of working on your next New York Times Best Selling novel, you’re here. For some...
Why Outlining Is Important

Why Outlining Is Important

No matter who you are, if you are writing any lengthy literary work, you must outline. It doesn’t matter if the natural laws that govern the world suddenly vanish or if every government simultaneously collapses and anarchy reigns or if the ocean turns red and...
The Woes of Writing

The Woes of Writing

You’re doing it. For the first time in weeks, you’re in the zone. It’s just you and your computer, and you are writing the quickest and most efficiently you ever have. It’s a work of art, what you’ve written. Gorgeous prose is forming...