5 Most Anticipated Books on My TBR List

5 Most Anticipated Books on My TBR List

Introduction Yes, yes, I’ve committed the cardinal sin of having over 30 books on my To Be Read list and I still haven’t done anything about it. I am an imperfect person. I am sorry. But regardless of my less-than-stellar reading habits, here are the books...

Weathered Elements: Chapter One

Since it had been his turn to cook dinner, Auric had made the executive decision to reheat the frozen pizza that had been shoved in the back of the fridge for the last month. Sure, it might have been suspiciously soggy, but it was edible and that was all that...
Fun Reading Activities To Do

Fun Reading Activities To Do

Tired of reading but still want to call yourself a reader because you’ve cultivated an entire identity around your junior high years of consuming novels when you were friendless and constantly ignored? Then this is for you! These are fun reading activities that...
Fun Writing Activities To Do

Fun Writing Activities To Do

For some reason that no one can comprehend, you, a writer, instead of writing, are busy not doing the one activity that you cherish above all others. For some reason, instead of working on your next New York Times Best Selling novel, you’re here. For some...